Rewarded every single year

The highest quality work, reliability, and ultimate satisfaction.

More than 6 million households nationwide check Angie’s List reviews to find the best local service providers, like roofers, plumbers, handymen, mechanics, doctors and dentists. And that’s just the shortlist. Angie’s collects ratings and reviews on more than 720 different services. The people who join Angie’s List are just like you — real folks looking for a way to find trustworthy companies that perform high-quality work.

Angie’s List members submit more than 60,000 reviews every month about the companies they hire. They include incredible details about how the project went (including cost), and grade the company’s response time, price, professionalism and quality of work — good or bad — on an A to F scale.

Thank you for trusting our services, but most of all thank you for trusting us with your home.


Celebrating every year in a Row!


As top 5 electricians in Los Angeles.

Power Up Electric officially ranked as one of the top 5 electricians in Los Angeles in 2017, we’ve been working hard in updating our game, and give you the best service experience we can possibly offer you. We are also proud to rank in the top 2 google page searches since the Google search engine was established. We keep upgrading our website often so you can have a good experience using our site, learning about our services, and take advantage of our offers.

Accredited by Better Business Bureau

Rating A+ in customer service quality.

Power Up Electric its been officially registered with the Better Business Bureau since 2010, ranking A+ every year reflecting the relationship with our community and quality customer service.

Social media profiles

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